Friday, January 20, 2012

Want Cash?

Got your attention?? I know I'm late jumping on the Ebates band wagon, but better late than never right?!  Ebates is a website that you go through to earn cash back for your online purchases.  I signed up just before the holiday season and got a nice little check in the mail just for Christmas shopping. Not to shabby for sitting at my home computer ordering Christmas presents hey?

What you do:
Sign up on the Ebates website. It takes like 5 minutes, if that.
Then, when you are doing your online shopping go to Ebates. Log into your account, pick the store you are going to shop at, (it will bring up the store's website) then you just shop as usual. It's that simple. So simple in fact, I thought I did it wrong the first time I used it haha.

It keeps track of how much money you earn and every so often they will mail you a check. There are tons of stores and yes, stores you would normally shop at, not off the wall places. They also tend to have a list of coupon codes each store is currently offering. And, if that's not enough money saving goodness, every so often different stores will offer double cash back!

Just for signing up, they sent me a Target gift card! Who couldn't use a Target gift card? (I think you can pick from a few other places too)

Have you signed up for Ebates yet?

*Disclaimer: I have not been paid or compensated otherwise by Ebates to write this.  These are my honest thoughts and opinions about the website and wanted to share this money saving tip!

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