Monday, January 23, 2012

MMMMMeatloaf It's really not a glamorous dish, but it's oh so good. I remember my Grandma Dorothy would make meatloaf a lot when I was younger and her house would always smell so good when she was making it. I's kinda become a hobby of mine. Meatloaf? A hobby? Yea, you see I find a meatloaf recipe and I have to try it. Therefore it's a hobby...Sorta.

I have made tons of meatloaves and I don't think I've tasted a meatloaf I didn't like. However, you will never find me ordering it at a restaurant. Not sure exactly why that is, I just figure some things are better left made in your own kitchen.

I do have one tiny little problem with my meatloaf  hobby.  My husband.  He prefers I make one specific meatloaf.  Sure he will eat and like other meatloaves, but if I'm not making "the meatloaf" I will get "the look".  I try telling him if I made "the meatloaf' all the time it wouldn't be as good. Kinda like how holidays only come once a year. I mean how much fun would the 4th of July really be if it was everyday? He doesn't agree.

Below you will find the recipe for "the meatloaf". It is one of my top 2 favorite meatloaf recipes.  I found the recipe in one of my mom's cookbooks many years ago.  I'm pretty sure it came out of a microwave cookbook. I however, do not cook mine in the microwave because I thought that would just be, well, weird. I adapted it for the oven.  (I have made a different meatloaf in the microwave once when I was short on time and to my surprise it was really good.)

Sweet and Sour Meatloaf ("The Meatloaf")
What you need:
2lbs ground round or ground sirloin (I have substituted ground beef and ground chuck and it didn't taste as good)
8 oz can tomato sauce*
1/4 cup white vinegar*
1/4 cup brown sugar*
1 tsp yellow mustard*
1/4 cup bread crumbs
1 egg
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper

What you do:
Preheat oven to 350°F.
Combine tomato sauce, vinegar, brown sugar, and mustard in small saucepan over low heat a few minutes. Stir occasionally.  Set aside. 
Mix together meat, bread crumbs, egg, salt, pepper, and 1/2 cup of the prepared sauce. (I use my hands to do this, not sure if this is the norm as far as meatloaf making goes, but I find it is much easier)
Form into loaf and put in greased 9 x 5 loaf pan.
Bake 45 minutes to 1 hour (until meat thermometer reads 160°F) basting often.
Serve with remaining sauce.

*I double these ingredients because my family likes having lots of sauce.

I hope you try this recipe out!

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