Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Great Decluttering Act

Every so often I look around and realize we have waaaaay too much stuff laying around... or simply not enough room for it all.  After the holidays is usually one of those times.  I get all ready to sort through stuff and as I look around I just don't know where to begin (seems to happen the most in my daughter's room) and my motivation goes right out the window and I am back to where I started. In a house full of clutter.

However, while browsing pinterest I came across this and thought, Hey I can do this! It's a full year of things to do to declutter your home.  It has specific tasks assigned to each day and most really shouldn't take more than 20 minutes (I said most, I'm personally not looking forward to the storage shelf week).  I have printed this out and taped it to the inside of one of my kitchen cabinet doors so I can easily keep up with it every day.  Click on Complete Calendar below picture to get the calendar for yourself. 

Hope you find this as helpful as I did!

Source: MySimplerLife

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