Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Did It!

To save a little money, I decided at the start of the month I would put myself on a little shopping ban.  I couldn't buy anything that wasn't an absolute necessity. And, as hard as it was, no, I didn't try to convince myself that really I couldn't get on without another pair of jeans, or the new Urban Decay Naked 2 palette.

In the beginning, it was a piece of cake. I thought, no biggie, it's just a month.  We even made a special Target shopping trip at the start of the month and made sure to buy enough "Target stuff" we usually buy to last us the month so I wouldn't have to go back and be tempted. And let me tell you that really ended up being a good idea because I don't know about you but when I make my weekly trip to Target lots of stuff not on the list always ends up in my cart, because well I need it, duh! So the less trips the less impulse buys!! Smart hey?? And if you're lucky enough not to give into impulse buys good for you, I am not always that fortunate.

So, back to the shopping ban, it all started out great, but, by mid month things were starting to get a little bit nuts in my head. It wasn't so much of me not buying anything but just for the simple fact that me and the little guy like to walk the stores and we haven't done that lately since I didn't want to tempt myself.

By the end of the month I had simply gone downright MAD I tell you MAD! For anyone who knows me I like need to shop. Plain and simple. I felt as I was going through what I would imagine a smoker would go through after quitting cold turkey.  Well maybe not that bad, but it was bad.

However, now that it's done and over with, I'm pretty proud of myself and I may just do it again this month.  And then again maybe not. I may do it and give myself a couple of free passes.

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