Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Parallel Parking

I am simply amazed by those who can do this. As much as I've tried I can't do it.  Luckily for me I live in a city where I don't really need to do this all that much. And if I do, well I will just drive around until I can find a spot where I can drive right in (drives the fam nuts).

For those of you who can parallel park I know you are thinking what's so hard about it? Well for those of us who can't. THE WHOLE DANG THING IS HARD! Not to mention when you have an audience (people behind you) it makes it 10x harder.

I was picking up the girl from school yesterday and someone not only parallel parked their car with busy after school traffic and pedestrians all around (audience). They also pulled into a space that looked about half the size of their car (well it did to me) and they did it without even blinking. I'm thinking this is some kinda super hero power.

Don't even get me started on semi drivers and their mad back up skills... I can barely make it outta my own driveway somedays...

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