Friday, February 10, 2012

Pink and White Zebra Stripes

In honor of Valentine's Day I made a pink and white zebra striped cake.  You don't have to make it pink and white you could make it any color (or flavor) combination you want.  It's really simple, it just takes a little bit more time to do.  I cheated and used a box mix but you could certainly use your favorite from scratch cake recipe.

Here's what you do:

Prepare cake mix.

Add desired food coloring to half of the batter.
I used neon pink.

Give paddle attachment to husband to eat leftover batter.
(yes we know it's not good to consume raw eggs)

Alternate dropping batter in center of greased cake pan (My pans are 8").
I used 1/4 cupfuls.  The batter will spread as more batter is dropped on top.
You won't use all of the cake batter. You'll have maybe 1/2 cup left.
Throw away, make a cupcake or two, or give remaining batter to husband.

This is what it should look like when you're done.

Both pans filled.
Bake as directed.

Frost as desired.

 How cute is that?!

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