Monday, February 20, 2012

Fun with Shatter

First before I get to what I did to my nails, let me tell you about my morning. It all started out fine, and then, a short while before I had to leave to bring the kids to school is when they showed up... The tree trimming trucks and the orange construction cones. If you read my post about parallel parking or know me, you know backing up is not something I do well.  So, when I seen that there were thousands of orange cones in front of my driveway (probably more like 10) and hundreds of huge trucks (there were 3) I panicked. How was I going to back out? I texted my neighbor knowing he had to leave shortly as well "Are we going to be able to get out of our driveways" to which he replied "Ya". Oh no. Now I will have to back out into this obstacle course.  If other people can do it, there's no reason I can't. All I could think of is the part in The Wedding Singer where the guy is trying out to be the limo driver and he took out all those cones. But with the help of my neighbor making sure I wasn't hitting any of them I did it. Piece.Of.Cake. Yay me :) OK now on to the nails. Hope you like them!

I love the shatter/crackle nail polishes and found a way to create a new look with them.  I did my daughter's nails this way too so we are matchers.  This is what I did, but you could add your own twist by adding even more colors.
First I applied a base coat and then painted a stripe of 3 different colors down each nail. Don't worry if they aren't perfect stripes. The shatter will disguise any imperfections.  I did all my nails the same. On my daughter's I alternated in which order I put the stripes and I think I liked how hers turned out better.

Then I applied a coat of black shatter.  The trick to applying the shatter nail polish is to apply a heavy coat slowly. Then I finished with a top coat.

For reference the products I used are:
Magenta Bliss by Mary Kay (not sure if this is still available it's probably 8 years old! Amazing it's lasted this long!)
Super Star by Pure Ice (this is the best white nail polish I've found. Only needed 1 coat)
Purple with a Purpose by OPI
Black Shatter by OPI
Seche Vite Dry Fast Top Coat

Hope everyone's having a good Monday!

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