Monday, February 6, 2012

Learning to Crochet

A week ago my friend Alexis showed me this awesome scarf she was crocheting and I thought I NEED to learn how to do that!  So I asked her to teach me and Friday we sat down and she started my lesson.  Well, the yarn we had on hand was very soft and fuzzy and very hard for a beginner to work with so ya it was a big fat FAIL! I did manage to learn how to 'chain' (ya I felt pretty awesome walking around saying ya I know how to chain), even though I just couldn't get my hands to cooperate and it just felt awkward. I thought how do people do this?! Why do people do this? She told me it would get easier once I found a way to comfortably hold the yarn and hook. She told me to go and get some different yarn and we'd resume my lesson this week. 

So that afternoon after the hubs and I picked the little lady up from school I told him we had to go to Hobby Lobby. I needed yarn and my own hook. I was overwhelmed by all the different yarn colors and the hubs was annoyed it took me so long to pick out a color.  I mean after all this was just for learning purposes.

We got home and I got impatient. I couldn't wait until next week to learn. I had to learn NOW! But what was I gonna do call the emergency how to crochet help line? Ya cuz that exists...And I'm sure no one is going to wanna rush to my house on a Friday night to give me a crochet lesson. So I did the next best thing I watched tutorials on youtube.

I would watch and then try and I just couldn't figure out what they were doing. Yarn over, yarn through? Yarn what? What are these people doing? I was getting frustrated. I decided I would just have to wait for Alexis to teach me.

Saturday morning I got up and decided I should try the crochet thing again. So I did. And guess what??

Not too shabby hey? I still haven't managed to really figure out how to go to the next row hence it not being completely even, but I think I've got the double crochet stitch down.  I'll have Alexis teach me more this week. Then I think I may just have to try and make an infinity scarf... I'll let you know how that goes.

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