Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Things I'm Loving Right Now

First of all today is my oldest son's birthday... 14.. I can't believe it.. Where does the time go? Happy Birthday Christian!

And now on to some things I've been loving lately.

Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment in Rose
I'll admit it, I'm not a huge fan of lipstick.  I mean, I do like the way it looks, and I do tend to leave the house with it on, but after it wears off that's the last of it for the day.  I'm just to lazy busy to keep applying throughout the day. And honestly I really don't care for how it feels. I'm sure this drives my mom insane considering the fact, that I'm pretty sure she (and probably my grandma too) came out of the womb with freshly applied lipstick.

I do however love me some chapstick. I like the way it feels better than lipstick and I like the fact that you don't need a mirror to apply it.  However, sometimes a girl needs a little color on her lips... and I've tried the tinted lip balms before and they all leave me looking like I've had one too many cherry koolaids. 

Lately, I've been using the Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment in Rose. O.M.G. am I in love. This stuff is amazing! It feels just like a chapstick. Has a SPF of 15 AND adds the most perfect tint to your lips.

Tazo Zen Green Tea
I love green tea   I have been drinking it for years, because I like the taste.  Now throw in the research that is showing all the health benefits that come with drinking it. BONUS!  I like all green teas, but this is by far my favorite.

Pampered Chef Pizza Grill Pan
Pizza on the grill...Need I say more? 

Have you tried any of these products?

*Disclaimer: I have not been paid or compensated otherwise to write this. These are my honest thoughts and opinions about the products and wanted to share them with you because I enjoy them and think you would too.

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