Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Condiment Kid

Now that the 2 year old  lovely darling of mine has discovered you can add "stuff" to your food he's all over it.  It started out innocent enough as most things do when you're 2. A little syrup with your pancakes, Parmesan on your pizza, ranchup (my daughter's famous ketchup and ranch dressing mixture) on your fries. All normal things. 

Well now the child can't sit down to eat without putting something on his food. And apparently it really doesn't matter what. The other day he insisted on having Parmesan on his scrambled eggs (which wasn't exactly awful) and last night he wanted to put ketchup on his pizza (we convinced him Paremesan would be the better option here).  I can only wonder what he'll wanna try for today. But, I guess when you have some picky eaters in the house as long as the kid's eating who really cares right??

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