Sunday, March 11, 2012

Milestones you don't always read about in the book

It's funny how when you're least expecting it your kids just 'get older'. And by get older I mean they do something so insanely small that in fact it's a huge turning point in their life that instantly makes them "older".  I know it seems like I'm making no sense so let me explain.

Over the weekend, my daughter and I, along with a couple of her friends, attended a Girl Scouts' 100 year anniversary celebration. They had different activities set up through out the building, some of which were crafts.

One of the first crafts we stopped at, you could make a key chain out of plastic cord (I remember calling this gimp when I was younger, does anyone else?).  The volunteer handed the girls their supplies and showed them how to weave the cords back and forth.  With the help of the volunteer my daughter was able to do this, but as she sent us on our way to finish the key chain I figured it would no longer be her craft, it would become mine. It's one of those things where they SAY ages 5 and up should be able to do it, but it seems more like ages 25 and up.

We sat off to the side for awhile working on her key chain together.  Soon the girls decided they had enough of the key chain making and they would finish them at home.  They put them in their bags and I figured that's the last I'd see of the key chain.

We then set off to see what other activities were waiting for us.  Well, this was a big place, with a lot of activities,  a lot of people, a lot of lines, and a lot of waiting.  While the girls were waiting, out came the key chains...and they attempted to work on them...and guess what?! They did it! They were able to weave the little cords and work on their crafts all by themselves!  Really this seems like no big deal, but to a parent who always gets stuck finishing the craft because their child is simply to young to do it, this is MAJOR! My little girl created her first key chain! Now she should be able to start working on other things such as friendship bracelets and the like...and you didn't make friendship bracelets when you were one of the "little girls".  The "older" girls made those...(ya know the 7 and 8 year olds).  So like I said something so incredibly pointless and small is a huge milestone in a mom's book.

Now on to my son...

A few months ago my son was still in his crib.  He just turned 2 in December so really there's nothing wrong with that.  In fact if it weren't for the fact that I was scared he was going to flip himself out of his crib he'd probably still be in one. He didn't try to climb out of his crib like most kids do. You know one leg over the rail,  followed by the other. He would try to flip out head first so into a toddler bed he went. 

The first week or so was fine. He slept great and in the morning he'd call for us to come get him. I didn't have the heart to tell him all he had to do was stand up... and really I didn't need to, he figured that out himself soon enough.

Now for the past couple of months he just gets up.  Probably because, well he can. He wakes up and comes in our room a few times a night. Yes, a few times and yes, every night. And then he's up at 5:30 a.m. ready for the day.  I was thinking maybe a real bed would be more comfortable for him and keep him sleeping longer.

I came home from the Girl Scout celebration and the hubs tells me to go check on him.  I walk in and he's sleeping soundly in a TWIN BED!  My little boy immediately didn't seem so little anymore. All grownsed up in his big boy bed. Another simply stupid thing that is a major milestone for mom. 

Of course now I need to go out and buy him some new big boy bed truck bedding, and some embroidery floss for my daughter to get started on her friendship bracelets.

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