Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Things I'm Loving

Things around my house have been crazy busy lately. But that's a good thing.  As I have a spare minute I figured I'd share are a few things that I've been loving lately...

Taste of Home Mobile App
I've had a subscription to the Taste of Home magazine for as long as I can remember.  Love love love the magazine.  Their recipes are wonderful and I can make any of them for the first time and serve them to guests and not have to worry that they won't taste good.  So of course when I found out they had an app I had to get it! They have about a dozen or so recipes in each "collection" and they add new collections every so often. Usually around a holiday. It's really nice if your having a hard time of thinking something to make and it offers a lot of nice seasonal options!

Smoothie Cup
So, I'm not sure that it's actually called a smoothie cup but when I look at it that's what I think so smoothie cup it is! Anyways, I picked this up at Kohl's but I'm sure you could find them anywhere. Awhile back I got into making these Green Smoothies and I just LOVE them. I drink them about 3 times a week and recently started putting them in this so I could drink them on my way to work or on the way to dropping the kids off at school.

 This Picture
I took this picture of the hubs and my youngest on Mother's Day. I just love it.

*Disclaimer: I have not been paid or compensated otherwise to write this. These are my honest thoughts and opinions about the products and wanted to share them with you because I enjoy them and think you would too.

Monday, May 7, 2012

What's for L?

One thing I look forward to when I actually work my real job is LUNCH!!  Doesn't take much to please me... No, but really when I'm home with the kiddos I may not always have the time for a real HEALTHY adult lunch.  My intentions are always good to eat something healthy but sometimes it just doesn't pan out that way.  When I work I know I have to preplan my lunch for the week or else I starve :) So I  will make a big batch of something or other that's loaded with veggies and other good for you things for me to eat throughout the week. And yes sometimes I do this when I'm home too, but being home can make me lazy because I think oh I'll be home I'll just make whatever at lunchtime.... and that kinda thinking gets me into trouble and has me eating hot dogs and macaroni and cheese for lunch . BLEH.

Anyways one dish I do like to make when I'm home because it's so easy and quick to throw together at lunchtime is this broccoli salad.

All you need is:
Cherry Tomatoes (halved)
Carrots (cut into bite sized pcs of whatever shape your little heart desires - sticks, coins, etc)
Cottage Cheese (I use lowfat 2%)

All you do:
Throw desired amounts of veggies in bowl and toss with 1/2 cup of cottage cheese.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Double Dare Squares

When we first moved into our house we had the pleasure of living next to some of the greatest neighbors one could ever imagine living next to.  It was an older couple, both retired from the medical field, and parents of 6!  Not too shabby when you're raising little ones of your own to have some experts right next door hey?! They had hearts of gold and were always welcoming our family into their home, sending over leftover desserts, helping out if we needed a hand, just all around great people.  They were also great for conversation!

They have since moved down south but before they did, they left us with some wonderful memories and this wonderful recipe too!
The husband made these for us once and my oldest begged us to get the recipe from him. They are called Double Dare Squares, and I'm not sure why except perhaps because I double dare you to only eat one square??? Trust me, it'd be nothing to finish off a pan of these bad boys...

I changed the recipe just a touch.

Double Dare Squares

What you need:
2 cups (12oz pkg) semi-sweet chocolate chips
9 cups (16oz pkg) mini marshmallows (or the majority of the bag if you have a 2 year old that needs a few handfuls of 'smarshmallows' before you get to making these)
1/2 cup peanut butter (I use creamy)
1-1/3 cup rice krispies (the original recipe calls for 1-1½ cups roasted peanuts)

What you do:
Lightly grease 13x9 baking dish.
In LARGE sauce pan over low heat melt chocolate chips and peanut butter stirring constantly.
Allow to cool 5 minutes.
Gently stir in marshmallows and rice krispies (or peanuts).
Pour into pan, refrigerate 30 minutes or until firm.
Cut into squares
Try not to eat them all in one sitting.