Monday, October 22, 2012

Tis the season

Hello friends! As I spend the day on the couch sick I thought I would take the time to share with you all something I came across in the  Taste of Home's Best Holiday Recipes 2012 magazine.  I picked it up this past week at the grocery store and on one of the first few pages I found this and thought it was too good not to share. Very appropriate for the coming holiday season, although any of these things could and SHOULD be done all year long! I will be cutting it out of the magazine and hanging it to my fridge.

The ABCs of Giving

A Ask someone to lunch at your house.
B Bake a special treat for an elderly acquaintance.
C Call and old friend who's been out of touch.
D Deliver groceries or medicine to a shut-in.
E Encourage someone who's having a bad day.
F Fix your family's favorite meal.
G Give outgrown toys and clothing to charity.
H Hug a friend; tell her why she's special to you.
I Invite a friend over for coffee and conversation.
J Just do it- when you see a need, try and fill it.
K Kneel down and pray for your family, friends, and government leaders.
L Lend a favorite book or movie to someone who'd enjoy it.
M Make a collage of photos in someones honor.
N Nominate a deserving student, teacher, waitress, or other worker for an award.
O Offer to organize someones recipes, junk drawer, or closet.
P Pick up flowers for someone in the hospital.
Q Quench a co workers thirst- treat them to a big thermos of hot cocoa.
R Read nostalgic poems and stories at a retirement center or nursing home.
S Send greeting cards to friends and family making birthdays, anniversaries, and more.
T Take a walk with a friend.
U Use every opportunity to find and deliver sincere compliments.
V Volunteer at a soup kitchen or food pantry.
W Write that long overdue letter or chatty email.
X Exemplify extra effort in caring and sharing.
Y Yield the choice of movie, restaurant or book club selection to someone else.
Z Zip through your day with a mile for all you meet.