Wednesday, August 22, 2012


My daughter and I have been making these flip flops this summer. They are super cute and something different to accessorize her outfits.  The only down side is they don't hold up well when she's running wild playing outside. But that's ok because they are so simple and cheap to make! And with all the different ribbons out there the designs are endless! 

You will need:
A pair of flip flops, 2 different ribbons (the 15' rolls work great)
scissors, ruler, lighter (optional)
Cut the ribbon in 6" lengths.
You can then heat treat the ends with the lighter if you'd like.
Tie and double knot the ribbon on the straps
of the flip flops, alternating ribbons.
How cute are these?!
Happy crafting!

Monday, August 20, 2012


Hello friends! I apologize for being MIA.It's been a busy summer. I'm hoping to get back to blogging soon.  Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. I'm looking forward to Fall!! Are you?